Saturday, January 12, 2013


I am so bored and I have absolutely nothing to do. Tried sleeping the whole day, did it but I'm sick and tired of it. Went online the whole day, fed up of it. I just wonder how people could sit around and do nothing or even sleep the whole day... Absolutely boggles my mind. My rant here may seem irrelevant to the topic; all i have to say is an idle mind is one of the causes of impatience. You see, as for me, I get bored really really fast.. Yeah that is my weakness. I need something to do to keep me occupied. If I sit around doing nothing, I get frustrated easily, it gives ample space for my mind to wonder and think of all sorts of stuff it wants to think. When it does that, it is really really bad. At times like this, I wish I had some money to travel the world to see all the beautiful places, or even do exciting things that i like or even to relax in a spa. Anyway, imagine you have been waiting for something the whole day and it did not work out, and it forces you to wait even longer, owh boy, it pushes my limits of patience that is left in me. This post is so disorganized and I'm sorry. 
I wish i could hang out with all the cool people that I have met in my life right now! 
I miss you Eza, Benny, Cassandra! If you are ever reading this.... Hugs to all of you!
Meanwhile... i found this video to entertain myself.... enjoy.

Fashion Disaster or the end of the world? You decide

I had to post this here... I can't really keep my hands away from typing this post. Today I saw an article on yahoo stating the latest fashion for men!!!! It was the London Men's Collection of "cutting edge" collections for Fall/Winter 2013-2014 season and were supposed to take men's fashion into the future. The latest fashion comprises of mini skirts, meggings, "dude dresses", body bags as skirts and a whole outfit made of wood? and what not, all for men!  Here are some pictures from yahoo in the link provided below.

Poor guy's expression.
You guys can see more pictures on the link provided above...

Recently, there was a post on meggings too! Men's jeggings! or however you spell them. I don't care. What I am trying to say here is that whoever created those designs are taking things way ahead of them. 
Seriously people? I prefer my man to be rough and tough, looking smart, handsome, rugged or however manly they can be. But, please don't make them wear those mini skirts and dresses! I am the one who should be pretty and looking all dressed up and worrying about what dress or skirt to wear. I do not wan't them to fight over my clothes if this happens in the future. I think I would start to like rough girls if men started wearing these clothes. I rephrase, not clothes instead they are hazardous (referring to the outfit made of planks of wood) outfits.

I am not a fashion expert but one thing is clear here,this is truly a fashion disaster. Dear designer's please come up with better and more practical ones next time. Some may call it art, but....... NO! THIS IS NOT ARTthis is kinda rubbish! Poor guy had to wear those things.

Anyway, a small note to my man; baby, please do not ever think of wearing it! If you see this post, I think you yourself would shrug and you will  babble about it. Stay manly! I love you!

Chow people! hope you enjoy the pictures in the link.. :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

My heart got caught on a wonderful journey. You and me.

Its 2013, and I have been missing for quite a while. Its just that I have been busy with every single thing that school can offer me. Carrying out my daily routine of waking up early in the morning, going to college, being active in school and what not. I realized, whats the whole point and whats the meaning of life if you don't live it at the same time? Being a robot every single day doing chores and homework and scoring A's. I found out the true meaning of life when this particular person came into my life. His name is Norman Perry. :)

It all started when I awkwardly said hi to him when we studied together. From there friendships grew.... We continued this rather interesting and one of a kind of friendship. One thing let to the other and let to the other and we ended up together.

The main point of this post is to show him how much I love him and treasure him. Even though he might not know it, he does littlest things that mean a lot. People, its the little things that matter the most. I like the way he loves me, holds my hand when I walk, protect me from danger at all cost, warm hugs and kisses, and he gives things up that he loves just to make me happy. I make it sound like its all butterflies and rainbows, however it has its ups and downs. We get through each and every time something goes wrong and get stronger and mend mistakes that have been done.

Hence, what I am trying to say is, I am very lucky to have met "you" and love me like "you" do. I love you with all my heart and money cannot buy for the love we have for each other. Wouldn't trade you for the world. All i need is you! :)  I love you baby!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Don't Give Up.

On 17th August, I was so excited because it was my first time travelling internationally and to the states. When i was in the car park, i tried carrying my bag on to the trolley, The bag fell down and my leg twisted with a crack sound.

That was the beginning of my adventure to the states.

At first, I thought it was a sprain, but it swelled up and it became bruised and it was very painful. And that was the beginning of my wheel chair experience. As usual, the goodbyes made me cry and the leg didnt worry me that much. I went onto the plane on a wheel chair. The Stewardess and stewards on the MAS was very helpful and friendly. The gave me 2 ice creams and one was very nice until my friend said that he was hitting on me.. Ok.... throughout the MAS trip.. i was fine and happy... transited at Taiwan and Landed at LAX. I was greeted by a philipino lady which was very friendly and a man who helped carry my bag..

But that man was very demanding. Come on, what do u expect from a student, and injured one too.... He asked for money in tagalog.... but i didnt understand so i didnt bothered. The best part was people thought i was a philipino. :) anyway.... While in LAX i waited on a chair without a wheelchair ...... i couldnt move around. I felt really disabled... Thanks to my beloved friend Eza, she helped me a lot. until today.. Anyway, i had to walk with the leg swollen all over to get stuff..

Then it was time to board the Delta Airlines plane.... I arrived in Minneapolis hoping everything would be fine. I was dropped off the other end of baggage carrier... i had to walk with swollen feet from carousel 9 to carousel 3 with the throbbing pain in my leg... I didnt cared that much about the walking.. But once i arrived at carousel 3, i was shocked by the news that one of my was missing.. there and then i cried. i couldnt take it anymore. At that moment was too much for me. I cried the whole day, i ignored the beauty of minnesota... And once we arrived i went to the boynton health service to get my leg fixed... the day after we went to visit the house that we were supposed to stay in, it looks horrible!!! Unlivable, and haunted.... and the doctor called and told me that my leg was fractured! I broke down again

I was asking myself, Why do i have to go through this? Its too much all at once..
1. My feet is fractured
2. My bag was lost
3. a guy asking money from me.
4. Talked to a bitchy lady
5. had to walk from one end to the other end with throbbing pain in my leg
6. I had no permanent roof over my head..

Well, i guess its a test for me from God, to make me even stronger. If it doesnt kills you, it only makes you stronger. and i had a fortune cookie saying, Nothing ventured nothing gained.

I was upgraded from a wheelchair to crutches...

I crossed the Mississippi River with crutches to find food.. my armpits hurt as well as my back. Well, i have to take it in, take this experience as a challenge and over come it.. Just hanging on.

I went shopping in an old lady's electronic cart

Well, my bag was found, the swollen has went down but still fractured, tomorrow gonna find for more apartments... I see a brighter future.

I decided, to smile and endure it and be happy while in these conditions because being sad over it doesnt help anyone. Enjoy these fun pictures that i have compiled throughout the experience in minnesota.

Its Part Of Life....As we sail through "Life", don't avoid storms and rough waters. Just let it pass.. Just sail with a brave heart and open mind.. Always remember, calm seas never make skillful sailors...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Cuteness of a 19-21 year old..... Enjoy..

Playing naming animals with Azrie Sham.. he is beating me in it!! dang!!!!!
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